About Breanna Fee

about me, breannafee

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Logo Draft

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Here is my logo for my blog! I was inspired by a t-shirt I saw that connected where I from to Pullman. I think that it connects to my topic (me) because all of my blog posts have been about college and my transition here. The hearts represent the people I love at each location and the connection represents that even when I am away from one I still love and am always thinking about the family and friends that I have left behind. The pink in the state of Washington represents my favorite color and again ties into the subject…me! To create this logo I took the pen tool and created the outline for the shape of Washington. I used a point 5 thickness for the pen to emphasize the outline. Then, I used vector shapes (two circles, and a triangle) to create the heart shape. This was tricky to blend the shapes together to make it look like a heart, but I was pleasantly surprised by how they turned out.  After that, I copied and pasted the image of the heart to make them the exact same. Finally, I used the pen tool again (with a point 3 thickness) and created the connection between the two hearts. I originally had a straight line connection between the hearts but I later went back and make it a little curved and I think that was the right choice. I kept it simple and clean and I think that it turned out great! I am still contemplating adding my name or text somewhere but I don’t know for sure what I want to do yet. Also, I might want to change the heart color to make them stand more. I would love some helpful advise on what I can improve on to make my logo even better, thanks!!

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Final Graphic Collage

After completing the final draft of my blog, I feel that I have truly mastered Photoshop and learned many helpful techniques! I took everyone’s input into consideration before revising my blog. Suggestions included to make the edges of my photographs less harsh and to play around with colors and editing tools. I complete agree with all of these suggestions because after I implemented them I think that my collage looks 100 times better and everything ties together nicely now. I started with adding more photographs that describe me but still went along with my theme of happy and warm tones. I have many photographs that include my friends and sisters because they are a huge part of my life and like I mentioned in my previous post that at this point in my life they are my everything. I have two quotes in my collage that describe my personality and let readers get to know me on a more personal level. In addition, I have two photographs of myself that show off the different sides of my personality. One is me smiling and the other is me in a scoobydoo outfit, this shows that I am usually a very happy-go-lucky girl with a goofy and silly side! The editing tools I used in my collage include playing with the brightness and saturation levels to change how the photos appeared against the background. Also, I used the eraser and blending tool to take away the harsh lines in my photographs and make them fit nicely together. In addition, I played with the vibrancy levels and the color balance. Finally, I put a filter over the background to make the flower field appear brighter and clear. I am very proud of my collage and I hope you enjoy it too!

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Breanna’s Draft Graphic Collage

When creating my photo collage I found myself getting quite frustrated. I am normally a very calm and easygoing person but working with technology that I don’t understand, it is enough to drive me insane. However, once I got the hang of the program I got consumed in my collage. My inspiration for the collage was relaxed, warm, and cute pictures. I wanted people to see my personality though the images and experience joy. I selected a photo of myself because the blog is about myself, pretty self-explanatory. I then selected two photos of women from my sorority. They are my rocks, my friends, and at this point in my life, basically, my everything. After that I selected one of my favorite saying and what I use to live my life by. Finally, I put a photo of a puppy because I have a passion for animals and I thought it was adorable. The background image I used for my collage was a flower field that created a warm and happy vibe for the entire collage.


The quote along the side of the collage is not my photo, I got the photo off of pintrest.com

URL: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/66428163227413875/

The photo of the dog is not my photo, I got it off google images

URL: https://www.google.com/search?q=tumblr+photography&rlz=1C1RNVH_enUS562US562&es_sm=122&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=b0ASVP3FMMugyATzwIDoDw&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ#tbm=isch&q=tumblr+puppies&facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=YoV6I4BmMqqraM%253A%3B0gnJhBCqSTZDEM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252F38.media.tumblr.com%252FDXRTy7Pq1p3xpwlkSljbASA1o1_500.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fqueenanne.tumblr.com%252Fpost%252F129711396%252Fthis-is-so-cute-it-kind-of-makes-me-want-to-die%3B500%3B333


Photo Collection

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This gallery contains 4 photos

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Photoshop Tutorials

Here are my completed photoshop tutorials

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Breanna Fee At A Glance

The topic that I have chosen for my word press blog is…myself! I figured that I should have an extensive knowledge on the topic and who knows me better than me. In addition, I was recommended that I should create my word press blog surrounding myself. Some quick background on myself is that I am a 19-year old  female currently living in Pullman Washington and attending Washington State University. I was born on June 19th, 1995 in Evergreen hospital at around 6pm. My family includes my mom Nancy, my dad Bruce, my stepdad Al, and my little brother Ryan. We have a crazy little blended family but I could not be happier. In high school I played volleyball for 4 years even though I got very little actual playing time I learned a lot about myself and team building skills that have helped my so much with working with others. I also discovered one of my passions through volleyball, people. Since I was unable to play in the actual games I channeled my energy into encouraging my teammates to do well. After 4 years of consecutive “most inspirational” awards I figured that I might actually have a knack at encouraging others. I hope to one day find a way to incorporate my passion for people into my future career. However, at this point in my life I have no desire to grow up. I know that eventually I will have to grow up and take on responsibilities but I hope that I will be able to keep my love and excitement for life. Basically, I hope to grow without growing up. I think that very too often people forget to take a second to look around and enjoy the life that is happening around them. I am excited for my future and the future of this blog. This is my first attempt at keeping a personal journal so to say, so bare with me. 🙂