About Breanna Fee

about me, breannafee

Final Video Post

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Time                                      Video                                                             Audio

00:00:00:00      “Kappa Delta through my Eyes”            Klingande – “Jubel”

Scooter toward camera

00:00:03:17             Ellen close up/Dancing

00:00:24:23             Riding on the Fire truck

00:00:47:22              Photos

00:00:54:16              Elle dancing in the Flamingo

00:00:57:22              Long Dance Sequence/Ice Bucket Challenge

00:01:40:00              Shot of Kappa Delta

This was by far the most challenging and time consuming of all of the units. It took a long way to get here, but I am proud of how it turned out. I decided to make my video centering around my sorority, Kappa Delta. I chose this as a focus because my blog is about me and Kappa Delta is a huge part of my identity. I wanted my video to be light-hearted and happy with lots of colors and upbeat music…just like myself. In addition, I tried several times to add interviews to my video but the sound was not compatible and therefore I was unable to use that footage, which is a huge disappointment to me. As far as the editing process goes, I spent a lot of time working hard to make sure that it all flowed nicely and looked professional. I first began by choosing my clips and piecing them together in a mindful order. Then, I shorted them and removed any unnecessary video clips. After that, I added transitions to make the clips flow with one another. I believe that the dissolve transitions look the cleanest and most professional, therefore, they can be seen throughout my video. I also added title sequences to portions of the video to make it come more to life as well as ending credits. Also, I played with the length of clips making some short and some long to give a variation throughout the video. Finally, I tied it all together with a song that made the video fun! I hope that you love my video and can see that I highlighted the fun happy-go-lucky side of my sorority. Through all the frustration, I do that think that this was a fun assignment and I enjoyed it!! Thank you for taking the time to watch it!

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