About Breanna Fee

about me, breannafee

Illustrator Tutorials

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Final Graphic Collage

After completing the final draft of my blog, I feel that I have truly mastered Photoshop and learned many helpful techniques! I took everyone’s input into consideration before revising my blog. Suggestions included to make the edges of my photographs less harsh and to play around with colors and editing tools. I complete agree with all of these suggestions because after I implemented them I think that my collage looks 100 times better and everything ties together nicely now. I started with adding more photographs that describe me but still went along with my theme of happy and warm tones. I have many photographs that include my friends and sisters because they are a huge part of my life and like I mentioned in my previous post that at this point in my life they are my everything. I have two quotes in my collage that describe my personality and let readers get to know me on a more personal level. In addition, I have two photographs of myself that show off the different sides of my personality. One is me smiling and the other is me in a scoobydoo outfit, this shows that I am usually a very happy-go-lucky girl with a goofy and silly side! The editing tools I used in my collage include playing with the brightness and saturation levels to change how the photos appeared against the background. Also, I used the eraser and blending tool to take away the harsh lines in my photographs and make them fit nicely together. In addition, I played with the vibrancy levels and the color balance. Finally, I put a filter over the background to make the flower field appear brighter and clear. I am very proud of my collage and I hope you enjoy it too!

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Breanna’s Draft Graphic Collage

When creating my photo collage I found myself getting quite frustrated. I am normally a very calm and easygoing person but working with technology that I don’t understand, it is enough to drive me insane. However, once I got the hang of the program I got consumed in my collage. My inspiration for the collage was relaxed, warm, and cute pictures. I wanted people to see my personality though the images and experience joy. I selected a photo of myself because the blog is about myself, pretty self-explanatory. I then selected two photos of women from my sorority. They are my rocks, my friends, and at this point in my life, basically, my everything. After that I selected one of my favorite saying and what I use to live my life by. Finally, I put a photo of a puppy because I have a passion for animals and I thought it was adorable. The background image I used for my collage was a flower field that created a warm and happy vibe for the entire collage.


The quote along the side of the collage is not my photo, I got the photo off of pintrest.com

URL: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/66428163227413875/

The photo of the dog is not my photo, I got it off google images

URL: https://www.google.com/search?q=tumblr+photography&rlz=1C1RNVH_enUS562US562&es_sm=122&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=b0ASVP3FMMugyATzwIDoDw&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ#tbm=isch&q=tumblr+puppies&facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=YoV6I4BmMqqraM%253A%3B0gnJhBCqSTZDEM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252F38.media.tumblr.com%252FDXRTy7Pq1p3xpwlkSljbASA1o1_500.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fqueenanne.tumblr.com%252Fpost%252F129711396%252Fthis-is-so-cute-it-kind-of-makes-me-want-to-die%3B500%3B333


Photo Collection

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Photoshop Tutorials

Here are my completed photoshop tutorials