About Breanna Fee

about me, breannafee

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Wrap-Up Blog Post

Throughout the semester my favorite project has been the Photoshop collage. I thought it was a fun and creative way to show off my skills I learned on the program. In addition, I thought that the directions and the purpose were straight forward and easy to follow. By completing this class I feel very satisfied with the skills that I have acquired. Before the class, I did not know what any of these programs were (aside from Photoshop) let alone how to use them. Now I feel semi-confident in using the programs and I could even teach someone how to use them. From my AMDT class, they stressed the importance of knowing how to use Illustrator, many of my peers had never even heard of the program and here I am designing my own logo with the software. Overall, I think that knowing how to use these programs is going to give me a leg up against my peers when it comes to class, job oppertunites, and so on. In the future I hope to become a broadcaster of some sort, therefore I am pressuring a communications path. This class definitely did influence my career choice. I learned that I do not enjoy the editing and creating process of communications. I found myself more frustrated with the programs than enjoying them. Therefore, I want to do more in front of the screen communications instead of behind the scenes editing. I feel like I learned a sufficient amount of skills from the programs and cannot think of anything else that I would have wanted to learn about. Next, I only used the class material given to us to complete the assignments. To be honest, I didn’t even think of looking else where for information on completing the assignments. In conclusion, I think that this was a very useful class that has taught me a lot. However, I ran into so many problems every unit that it made me frustrated with the class and often discouraged me. Whether it be not knowing how to use the program or technical problems, you name it, I had it. In addition, I thought that the Illustrator tutorials were incredibly hard and time consuming. Have so many to complete when we were just learning how to use the program seemed a bit excessive, in my opinion. But, I did enjoy the creative aspect of this course and enjoyed the freedom we were given.

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Final Video Post

Time                                      Video                                                             Audio

00:00:00:00      “Kappa Delta through my Eyes”            Klingande – “Jubel”

Scooter toward camera

00:00:03:17             Ellen close up/Dancing

00:00:24:23             Riding on the Fire truck

00:00:47:22              Photos

00:00:54:16              Elle dancing in the Flamingo

00:00:57:22              Long Dance Sequence/Ice Bucket Challenge

00:01:40:00              Shot of Kappa Delta

This was by far the most challenging and time consuming of all of the units. It took a long way to get here, but I am proud of how it turned out. I decided to make my video centering around my sorority, Kappa Delta. I chose this as a focus because my blog is about me and Kappa Delta is a huge part of my identity. I wanted my video to be light-hearted and happy with lots of colors and upbeat music…just like myself. In addition, I tried several times to add interviews to my video but the sound was not compatible and therefore I was unable to use that footage, which is a huge disappointment to me. As far as the editing process goes, I spent a lot of time working hard to make sure that it all flowed nicely and looked professional. I first began by choosing my clips and piecing them together in a mindful order. Then, I shorted them and removed any unnecessary video clips. After that, I added transitions to make the clips flow with one another. I believe that the dissolve transitions look the cleanest and most professional, therefore, they can be seen throughout my video. I also added title sequences to portions of the video to make it come more to life as well as ending credits. Also, I played with the length of clips making some short and some long to give a variation throughout the video. Finally, I tied it all together with a song that made the video fun! I hope that you love my video and can see that I highlighted the fun happy-go-lucky side of my sorority. Through all the frustration, I do that think that this was a fun assignment and I enjoyed it!! Thank you for taking the time to watch it!


Draft Movie Post

Here is my draft movie post! I found this assignment to be the most time consuming assignment I have completed. I guess I never really knew all the time that is put into making a “movie.” But I decided to base mine off of my sorority, Kappa Delta. This chapter means a lot to me, its my home away from home and my identity here at WSU. I want to give my viewers a look inside my crazy-beautiful life at the mansion with my equally crazy-beautiful sisters. I want to show people what it is really like to live in a house with 60 girls and what the chapter means to me and my fellow sisters. First, I filmed the clips for the video using my Iphone. The quality is not the best, but it gets the job done. For my final draft I am going to add more video clips that I have taken off my cannon camera so the quality of the video will increase. In addition, I want to fix the audio in my movie. My interview at the end will not play with audio so that is a major problem I need to correct. Also, I want to go in and include voice over in my movie so that my audience can better connect with the clips. Furthermore, I want to add more effects to my editing like transitions and pictures. I think that will better enhance the quality again. I realize that this movie is a work in progress but I think that when I piece together my vision and it all comes together, I think I will have something pretty amazing. The more I use the editing program the more I am comfortable with it, so another week using the program will be extremely helpful. Thank you so much for taking the time to watch my video. I am looking forward to reading my feedback and using it to better my project!

Below I have my story board posted!

Breanna Fee

Story Board

Time                                      Video                                                             Audio

00:00:00:00      “Kappa Delta through my Eyes”            Klingande – “Jubel”

Front of Kappa Delta (Sign included)

00:00:03:17             Walking up to the house/Foyer

00:00:24:23             Walking up the stairs/Central Hall

00:00:47:22              Jack Dancing

00:00:54:16              The Girls of John

00:00:57:22              SHAMROCK

00:01:47:12              Meg Interview